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1 Translation result for to throw away in Spanish


throw away verb

unfavorite favorite
tirar, deshacerse de; (figurado) tirar por la borda, malgastar

Example sentences of
throw away verb

  • I should throw away that torn shirt.
  • if you buy a high-end computer, you'll just be throwing away money on a bunch of features you'll never use

Synonyms of
throw away verb

Detailed synonyms for throw away verb

See: Discard

Reverse translation for to throw away

tirar  - to pull, to draw, to throw, to hurl, to toss, to shoot, to throw away, to throw out, to waste, to attract, to knock down, to shoot, to fire, to launch, to get by, to manage, to take (a photo), to print, to run off 
tirar por la borda  (figurado)
malgastar  - to squander (resources), to waste (time, effort) 
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